Choice of Interior Design Style that is Suitable for Age

What Is the Modern Decor Style?

You’ll actually be happier as you get older, says science.

It is not unusual when many people say and agree that age is just a matter of numbers. We certainly don’t want to make a buying decision considering the year of birth. However, regarding the choice of suitable interior style based on age, it is real.

The choice of home design styles often changes from time to time. Very rarely do people stick to one design style or one decoration style for a long time.

Although many designers recommend the choice of timeless or timeless design styles, often changes in home decor are determined by a variety of factors. Age is one of them. When you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s and 50s, your room design preferences and needs will certainly be different.

Each stage of life is filled with different needs, wants, and challenges. Decorating a space when you are in your 20s is usually very limited by budgetary capabilities or even heavily influenced by the tastes of your friends and or friends. Meanwhile, in their 30s and 40s, they are often filled with the practical demands of married life.

As we get older, our tastes change too. And most likely our income. We are required to spend more time creating or creating a kind of sacred place, sacred, a living space that can provide a sense of security, comfort and calm as needed.

Just like the choice of interior styles that can reflect your personality. Developing interior aesthetics certainly takes time and self-confidence.

To help determine the choice of home design and decoration styles that suit your character and personality, find the best choice of how to decorate the house as comfortable as possible, let’s start with the choice of interior style and concept as to what is suitable based on your age range.

Quoted from mydomaine, here are choices of interior design styles that are suitable for your age:

  1. 20s

Teenage age is often seen as a mixture of cheerful adolescence with a transition to the next decisive step in life. Age 20 is a time when you feel like you have a thirst to do something and make a difference. But on the other hand, you also feel too young and just want to have fun.

When it comes to the choice of home decorating styles, with an income that may be very limited, tastes inevitably have to be compromised. The choice of design style that is serious and tends to be minimalist, with IKEA-style furniture is perhaps the most logical and rational choice.

  • 30s

Entering your 30s is a time when the small family that you and your partner start to grow. At the same time, you may be in a better position at work.

With a slightly better income, your self-confidence will increase. The choice of more elaborate and complex home design and decoration styles with an elegant appearance will strengthen your personality.

The best choice for displaying an elegant impression with a modern touch might be perfect for your small family. Contemporary style is the best choice for your small house.

  • 40s

Turning into your 40s, is when you make a “statement.” Your little family is now in the next important stage.

In some situations, as your family grows, you may have to decide to have a slightly larger and more spacious living area. The design style chosen and used must be able to accommodate the needs of all family members.

The living room, family room, dining room and kitchen, and perhaps a patio, will make the house look very visually appealing. An eclectic interior style, modern style with natural touches and green accents or by including luxury in the style of a classic concept, is very fitting and suitable for you and your family.

There are so many things to expect when we live life. But according to science, we will actually become happier as we get older. Laura Carstensen, PhD, director of the Stanford Center, says that happiness does increase from the age of the 50s onwards.

“As you get older, you know the bad times will pass,” he said. “You also know that the good times will pass, which makes the good times even more precious. There is emotional pleasure that comes with age. ” As quoted by mydomaine.

Laura’s statement provides scientific reasons and emphasizes the importance of choosing a suitable interior style based on your age range.

If your children start having children of their own, starting to raise their own families and households, the home is a place for you to share happiness with them. Convenience always the key. Make your home the most comfortable, safe and pleasant place for the whole family. That’s the most important thing that needs to be done. Regarding the choice of design style, actually really depends on your personal taste.